Ingilizce final 1


Özel Üye
21 Tem 2008
Tepkime puanı


1-) That girl over there is my ........
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Cümledeki boşluğu aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) nephew
B) niece
C) uncle
D) brother
E) son

2-) Someone asks you “Where is the hospital?” and you are not certain where it is, what do you say?
Size “Where is the hospital?” sorusu sorulduğunda sorulan yerin nerede olduğundan emin değilseniz ne söylersiniz?
A) I think it is near the post office.
B) I’m sorry I don’t know.
C) It is at the end of First Street.
D) There is one over there.
E) It is on the right.

3-) “Where are Mrs Brown and her daughter?”
Which of the following is the answer to the above question?
Yukarıdaki sorunun cevabı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) She is at school
B) They will arrive on Friday
C) I’m afraid she isn’t with them
D) We live in İzmir
E) They are at the seaside

4-) The plane will leave ...... Washington ...... the morning.
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Cümledeki boşlukları aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) to/on
B) in/for
C) for/to
D) at/in
E) for/in

5-) is your what coat colour?
What is the correct order of the words above?
Yukarıdaki kelimelerin anlamlı bir cümle oluşturan sıralanışı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) I., II., IV., III., V.
B) III., V., I., II., IV
C) III., V., IV., II., I.
D) III., II., IV., I., V.
E) I., III., V., II., IV.

6-) I. Yes, he is the new assistant.
II. What do you think of him?
III. Do you know that young man over there?
IV. Well, he is not very old but he is very busy.
In which of the following choices is there a meaningful dialogue?
Yukarıdaki cümlelerin anlamlı bir bütün oluşturan sıralanışı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) III., IV., II., I.
B) II., I., IV., III.
C) III., I., II., IV.
D) III., II., I., IV.
E) II., IV., I., III.

7-) “Have you got any soup on the menu?”
Which of the following is the answer to the above question?
Yukarıdaki sorunun cevabı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) We can have dinner here
B) Yes, I like soup very much
C) No, we haven’t got any
D) I think the soup is very hot
E) Yes, she has got one

:cool: You are calling a close friend of yours and you are sure that no one else can answer your call.
How do you address her?
Yakın bir arkadaşınızı telefonla arıyorsunuz ve telefona ondan başkasının çıkmayacağından eminsiniz. Ona nasıl hitap edersiniz?
A) Hello, is that you Susan?
B) Can I have your full name please?
C) How do you do?
D) Who is it please?
E) Can you spell it please?

9-) Henry bought his television last week. I bought mine 2 years ago.
Which of the following is true for the situation above?
Yukarıda verilen duruma göre aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğrudur?
A) My television is newer than Henry’s.
B) Henry’s television is bigger than mine.
C) Henry’s television is older than mine.
D) My television is older than Henry’s.
E) My television is heavier than Henry’s.

10-) “Would you ....... me that newspaper please?”
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Cümledeki boşluğu aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) like
B) bring
C) put
D) take
E) want

11-) “.........?”
He has been out to lunch.
Which of the following is the question for the above answer?
Yukarıdaki cevabı gerektiren soru aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Have they been to an Italian Restaurant
B) Did he have his lunch
C) Shall we have dinner outside
D) Where has he been
E) Are you going to be with us at lunch

12-) Önümüzdeki hafta sonu onu arayacağım.
Which of the following is the English translation of the sentence above?
Yukarıdaki cümlenin İngilizce karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) He calls me every weekend.
B) He is going to call me next week.
C) I called him last weekend.
D) I must call him at the end of the week.
E) I will call him next weekend.

13-) Customer : Does this coat look nice on me?
Salesman : I’m afraid it is the wrong size.
Customer : ...........
Salesman : Yes, this one is the right size.
Which of the following completes the dialogue above?
Yukarıdaki karşılıklı konuşmada boş bırakılan yeri aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) Do you have something like this but bigger?
B) I think it’s made of wool
C) How much does this coat cost?
D) I bought a coat without a belt
E) Why don’t you take it back?

14-) Is this hotel cheap .........?
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Cümledeki boşluğu aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) without
B) enough
C) very
D) each
E) with

15-) I always get up early.
Which of the following is the paraphrase of the above sentence?
Yukarıdaki cümlenin başka bir deyişle söylenmiş biçimi aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) I never get up early.
B) Sometimes I get up early.
C) I get up early everyday.
D) I will get up early.
E) I’ve got up early.

16-) “........?”
“He is a doctor.”
Which of the following is the question for the above answer?
Yukarıdaki cevabı gerektiren soru aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) What does he do
B) What’s his nationality
C) Which town do you live in
D) What is your job
E) Where is he from

What is the correct order of the words above?
Yukarıdaki kelimelerin anlamlı bir cümle oluşturan sıralanışı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) II., I., V., III., IV.
B) II., I., IV., III., V.
C) II., IV., III., V., I.
D) IV., III., V., II., I.
E) IV., II., V., III., I.

1:cool: Your aunt looks ill. What’s the matter with .......?
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Cümledeki boşluğu aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) us
B) him
C) her
D) them
E) you

19-) “Is she feeling better today?”
Which of the following is the answer to the above question?
Yukarıdaki sorunun cevabı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Not much. She’s still got a headache
B) I feel much better now, thank you
C) It’s very cold today
D) Perhaps she needs an aspirin
E) I’m fine too

20-) Sam : I can’t go to the opera tonight.
Mary : Why can’t you.
Sam : ..........
Mary : Let me help you with them.
Which of the following completes the dialogue above?
Yukarıdaki karşılıklı konuşmada boş bırakılan yeri aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) I want to watch TV tonight.
B) Have you seen that opera before?
C) I would like us to go together.
D) Do you need any help?
E) I have to type all these letters.

21-) Sue : Why did we stop?
Tom : I’m afraid we’ve run out of petrol.
Sue : .........
Tom : I think it isn’t a long way from here.
Which of the following completes the dialogue above?
Yukarıdaki karşılıklı konuşmada boş bırakılan yeri aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) Can you drive faster than him?
B) Which is the fastest way to Brighton?
C) I hope you can repair the car.
D) How far is the nearest gas station?
E) Why didn’t you park it there?

22-) Go straight ....... the street and ....... you will come to a police station.
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Cümledeki boşlukları aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) on/by
B) up/ahead
C) near/than
D) above/so
E) ahead/then

The ball is ......... the table.
According to the figure above, which of the following completes the sentence?
Yukarıdaki şekle göre aşağıdakilerden hangisi cümleyi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) in front of
B) under
C) at the back of
D) behind
E) inside

24-) “.........?”
“It was June the 6th.”
Which of the following is the question for the above answer?
Yukarıdaki cevabı gerektiren soru aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) How long does it take
B) How old is it
C) What was the date yesterday
D) When will you come back
E) How long will you be away

25-) She ....... all the glasses three days ago.
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Cümledeki boşluğu aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) can break
B) will break
C) has broken
D) breaks
E) broke

26-) “.........?”
“I think it is his.”
Which of the following is the question for the above answer?
Yukarıdaki cevabı gerektiren soru aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Whose pen is this
B) Do you think it will get colder
C) Do you like him
D) Who is that boy
E) Whose books are those

27-) I. Where are Paul and Sally?
II. Yes, but Sally is better.
III. Is Paul good at tennis?
IV. They’re playing tennis.
In which of the following choices is there a meaningful dialogue?
Yukarıdaki cümlelerin anlamlı bir bütün oluşturan sıralanışı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) IV., III., II., I.
B) III., IV., I., II.
C) I., II., IV., III.
D) I., IV., III., II.
E) I., III., IV., II.

2:cool: I’ve got a .......... of chocolate.
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Cümledeki boşluğu aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) crumb
B) bar
C) tin
D) bottle
E) can

29-) I .......... the door because I ....... the keys yet.
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Cümledeki boşlukları aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) can’t open / haven’t found
B) open / found
C) open / will find
D) won’t open / found
E) opened / won’t find

30-) İki senedir ona hiç yazmadım.
Which of the following is the English translation of the sentence above?
Yukarıdaki cümlenin İngilizce karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) I won’t write to him in the next two years.
B) I wrote to him two years ago.
C) I haven’t written to him for two years.
D) He didn’t write to me two years ago.
E) He hasn’t written to me for two years.

1-) B 11-) D 21-) D
2-) A 12-) E 22-) E
3-) E 13-) A 23-) B
4-) E 14-) B 24-) C
5-) B 15-) C 25-) E
6-) C 16-) A 26-) A
7-) C 17-) B 27-) D
:cool: A 1:cool: C 2:cool: B
9-) D 19-) A 29-) A
10-) B 20-) E 30-) C

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